Leaping ahead

Clockwise from top left: The floor just before morning prayer on 1 March; the floor at the end of the day; synchronised plumbers and floorers; making the sections for access ports.

Leap Year’s Day 2024: The Day The First Plank Was Laid.

Great news from the Priory Nave Floor Levelling Project!

Fuelled by cake made by Priory Cake Volunteers (more of which in a later post), the workers on the Priory nave floor celebrated Leap Year’s Day 2024 by laying the very first plank of the new floor. Solid oak, it abuts the Victorian tiles of the central aisle.

Once that was in place (no mean feat, as nothing is ever quite square or level in a nearly 1,000-year-old building), the flooring could proceed apace. So today, on the feast of St David, 12 planks-width of the new engineered oak flooring were laid the full length of the nave.

Meanwhile the plumbers were working hard, laying the underfloor heating pipes into the grooved insulation and up to the manifold, on the south side.

It’s really starting to take shape - if you like to see work in progress, don’t delay. Pop along to the Priory during opening hours (9am-4.45pm, but check the calendar, just in case) and take a look through the special viewing windows


Choristers entertain


Juggling lesson