Happiness is…

Being ‘home’ again!

Dust? What dust?! Every chair carefully cleaned.
Cobwebs? Banished!
Cardboard boxes? Crush them for recycling!
Where’s the Welcomer? Oh there she is, strategically placed to avoid falling cobwebs.
Boxes to be unpacked? Look - here are the Millennium kneelers!
Tea anyone? Coffee? A hot cross bun? Have a seat, a rest, a chat and then back to work.
And look at that! The beautiful, new ‘8am altar cloth’ designed and made in-house, with the image of the pelican from the Mediaeval tiles.
The new Magazine? Yes, it’s over here. April edition. Still only £1. Two copies? Of course - here you go.
Floors were mopped…the vacuum overheated due to over work.
The choristers rehearsed…then the Priory Singers…then the organist. Joyous music enjoyed by all.
The flower arrangers appeared from behind buckets of home-grown foliage to fill the Priory with stunning, fragrant floral displays.

It was one big happy family aged from 13 weeks upwards, pulling together as one to get the wonderful building looking its very best in time for Easter Day.

And once more, visitors could walk on the nave floor…and sit… and listen to the music… and enjoy the refreshments and watch the Priory family getting ready to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.

Come to the Priory - come and celebrate the joy of Easter at 8am, 10.30am and 6pm. (Don’t forget the clocks move forward an hour tonight!).

See you soon!


He is risen!


Good Friday