Good Friday

Hundreds of Christians from churches across Malvern took part in the Churches Together in Malvern Good Friday Walk of Witness, converging on the Priory churchyard to worship together.

Each group propped their cross against the rough trunk of an oak before joining in singing with the Priory Worship Band sheltering beneath a majestic pine.

The service was jointly led by representatives from Malvern churches with the reflection given by Rod.

Tea, coffee and hot cross buns were served to all in the Lyttelton Rooms after the service before many headed to the Priory for three hours of services remembering Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

With the altar table stripped and the voices of first the Junior Choristers, then the Praise Group and finally the Priory Singers echoing into the vast space, the reflections, readings and music led all to the foot of the cross.


Happiness is…


Done and dusted (part 1)