Ever closer

Clockwise from top left: Before work began - spot those pesky pew plinths; today - the left hand side is complete and protected beneath hardboard, the right hand side is progressing fast - those are loose planks along the edge, not a new plinth; carpenters select the solid oak edge timber; a symphony in plumbing - the new heating manifold progresses.

‘Silence is kept’

So says the rubric in the service of Morning Prayer.

At 9am every day, Morning Prayer is said in St Giles’ Chapel. With an accompaniment of hammering and power tools, it’s a different sort of ‘silence’ at the moment! Those at prayer pray for the wonderful work that’s going on, the safety of the workers and give thanks to all who’ve donated to support this truly transformative project.

If you take a look at the top two photos and overlook the tools, the nave floor doesn’t look that different. Except… it’s level! And it’s so nearly done… and still currently on schedule to be open for worship on Easter Day.

There’ll be some cleaning to be done before everything can be moved back (did anyone say ‘dust’?), but the Priory volunteers are ready and waiting, dusters and vacuums at the ready.

The Priory will be closed to visitors intermittently as preparations take place, so please do check the Calendar and What’s On, for the most up to date visiting information.


Environment action


Benedictine flooring