But where’s the butter?

A very good question!

As Rod shared the story of the appearance of Jesus on the Road to Emmaus, gripping the attention of children and adults alike, a little voice piped up.
‘But where’s the butter?’
The congregation (at capacity - using the whole of the wonderful, new, level floor) laughed, supportively.

The children, invited to the table to share a meal, just as Mary and Cleopas had invited Jesus, first shared fruit. Then Rod broke the beautiful loaf of bread, just as Jesus had done. (Luke 24 v30)
’I don’t know if they had butter…but would you like a piece of this bread?’
Each child took a piece…and the lack of butter didn’t seem to matter.

It was a lively Sunday. The Priory Orchestra - over 20 musicians of all ages, played beautifully before and after the service and accompanied the hymns. Coffee afterwards was a happy occasion, whilst amazing crafts made from timbers from the old Priory floor were sold to raise funds for the project.

Many then enjoyed lunch together at the Foley Arms, before heading downhill again, to set up for Messy Church in the Lyttelton Rooms. Families enjoyed crafts, singing, prayers and tea with the theme ‘Green Pastures’, before carefully carrying their Messy Church craft treasures home.

Parish Communion at 6.30pm, with music led by the choir, rounded off a very busy Priory Sunday, perfectly.

Everyone’s welcome - maybe you’d like to join the Orchestra, become a Junior Chorister, come along to the next Messy Church? Contact us for more info.


A double welcome


Aslan gets a face-lift